Stained Glass Windows

Where can you find stained glass windows? These elegant pieces of arts manifest their beauties at places such as memorial theaters, concert halls and even churches. Often seen in


public places as huge display accessories, you can however purchase stained glass windows for your own home as well. Coming in various shapes and sizes, you can easily find one which suits your lovely house without worrying too much about paying an exorbitant price for it.

Theme as a major consideration

Before you think about the size of stained glass windows, you should give a thought about the theme of the design appearing on the glass. If you are intended to go for a holiday theme in summer, you should probably not choose to have a snowman or Santa Claus printed on your window. Moreover, due to seasonal change and holidays happening once per year, you should be prepared to change your stained glass windows regularly to fit the occasion. It just does not make sense to have pumpkin heads intended for Halloween spotting your stained glass windows during Easter Sunday, does it?

If you are an animal lover, consider going for a theme depicting the tranquil scene of wildlife on your stained glass windows. Having different designs under the same theme in your home can be a great topic for conversation between friends, especially if they share the same hobby and liking as you. The theme you select for your stained glass windows is also an accurate indicator of the type of person you are, since a non-Christian devout will most likely not choose a design incorporating narratives from the Holy Bible.

Price versus size of stained glass windows

With a theme in mind, the next condition you should be considering is the price tag of the stained glass windows you wish to purchase. In general, the size of the stained glass window will determine the amount of money you have to fork out. You can easily buy one measuring 9.5” by 10.5” with a budget of around $120. However, if you prefer to go for more complex designs on your windows, even a 12” by 19” stained glass window can cost no less than $500.

The price is usually set by determining the number of individual glass pieces required to assemble and create the design, after taking into account the size of the entire stained glass. Imagine the design of a peacock appearing on it. The number of different colors needed to model the tail is easily going to be pretty large, not to mention the number of glass pieces involved. This is simply the tradeoff for a more sophisticated piece of art for the amount of money you are set to pay, so be prepared to invest more on such stained glass windows.

There are tons of retailers promoting stained glass windows online, and you can often find a huge catalogue of designs and themes at their sites. Consider every little aspect and detail related to purchasing glass stained windows mentioned above before you make a decision.

Stained Glass Windows